Project 4: Editorial Design | Ironhack Bootcamp

Guilherme Grossi
4 min readFeb 15, 2021


For the fourth week of the Ironhack Bootcamp, the task was to design a responsive online platform for a magazine, newspaper, or blog aimed at meeting the needs and goals of one of the presented User Personas.

Pre-created primary Personas were offered for the project, and we chose Paula, who is 19 years old, with the aim of refining her after the research processes.

The project was done in a group with fellow Bootcamp colleagues, Fábio Bonamico and Melory Ayala.


Research and Insights

The first process was desk research, where we obtained information on how young people consume news, for example. After reading about reading habits, we concluded that as the age group increases, people tend to read less.

With this initial foundation, we moved on to formulating our qualitative questionnaire. Below are the main data collected:

Situations for a person to read
Frequency of online reading
Types of content consumed

Based on these results, we concluded that users like topics related to art, news, and music. They also have a desire to read, even if it’s news.

To delve even further, we conducted qualitative interviews with the target audience, which we identified as the infamous ‘Generation Z’. We asked various questions about the subject, such as preferred topics, reading time, where they usually read, and so on. Examples include:

  • “When do you usually read?”
  • “How do you rate your experience with digital media?”
  • “Which platforms do you consume content on?”

We obtained valuable insights after two interviews. The interviewees emphasized the duration they like to spend reading content, emphasizing that it should be a text that can be read in less than 10 minutes. They feel tired after a long day of studying or working and want to consume rich information in short reading.
They also mentioned that they like to read in the morning or when they get home at night after their daily routines and chores. It’s important to note their interest in reading during idle time, such as during public transportation commutes or while waiting in a queue.

After this process, we arrived at the final Persona:

Paula, a young Generation Z individual, works and studies, loves to read. Lately, she consumes a lot of content about art, music, cinema, and everyday life. However, she doesn’t want to spend too much time on these activities. Nevertheless, she is eager to stay updated in the ever-changing world we live in.

Brainstorm and Direction

After the brainstorming process, we decided on the focus of our editorial: short articles on art and a layout different from the current standard news website timeline. We came up with the name Zoomer Magazine.

Zoomer Magazine

Problem and Hypothesis

Young people from Generation Z who want to be entertained with condensed information do not want to spend time and energy to get informed as they are tired of their daily routines.
We believe that by providing quick-reading information, we will make our audience consume content with little mental and physical effort.


For this project, a high-fidelity wireframe was requested. To achieve this, we created an initial low-fidelity wireframe, gathering ideas from our group.

Lo-fi wireframes

Figma final prototypes

After a few days, we arrived at our proposal for the high-fidelity application and a responsive version for desktop.

Versão App
Versão Desktop


We hope to have successfully completed our initial proposal by offering a new timeline approach, followed by short texts, while still allowing the option to read a longer version of the same. In the future, we would like to introduce a broader range of media, such as videos, and enhance the accuracy of our reading time filter.

This project was the most challenging so far, but I am satisfied with the results, especially in improving my skills in Figma.

