Project 5: Wellness | Ironhack Bootcamp

Guilherme Grossi
6 min readFeb 22, 2021


The fifth project of the Ironhack bootcamp focused on the theme of well-being and was proposed by the National Wellness Institute. This project was done in a group with Amanda Albino and had a duration of two weeks.

The NWI offers certification and training for wellness professionals, providing them with frameworks and tools they can use to help clients achieve their well-being goals. The company has been very successful over the years, and its annual National Wellness Conference has become the most acclaimed professional conference in health and wellness.

The project was to create a well-being tool. The National Wellness Institute wanted designers to rethink how people can adopt and maintain a routine that enhances their well-being.

  • The tool could focus on any category related to personal well-being, including (but not limited to) exercise and fitness, nutrition/diet, meditation, time management, etc.
  • The only requirement was that it tracks the user’s progress and encourages them to commit to a healthier lifestyle.
  • The UI should reflect a new and updated image.

Among the topics offered below, we chose nutrition and dietary habits.

Temas propostos.


The initial process was Desk Research, in which we obtained initial insights on the subject.

“A healthy diet should not be based on restriction and prohibition but rather on variety and abundance.”

“The pandemic had a beneficial effect on the eating habits of Brazilians.”

After this initial process, we moved on to our Quantitative Research to gain further insights based on our thoughts on the subject.

Despite users rating their current dietary habits as good or very good, they were interested in improving them

More than half of the users had already seen a nutritionist

Although they had a significant interest in seeking consultations, they did not like the process

With this, we obtained direction and insights to formulate our Qualitative Research to learn more about the users’ pains, needs, and thoughts. Here are some important phrases collected during the process.

“It was robotic, automatic. It wasn’t personalized. I prefer recommendations to limitations.”

“Nutrition is individual; the diet must be tailored to each person separately.”

“I know I need to stay hydrated, but I never remember to drink water.”

“I don’t like having a diet that limits me.”

Subsequently, we formulated our Persona, Alice, 28 years old.


Problem, Hypothesis & Solution

We analyzed all the data, and found our problem:

Users who want to improve their relationship with food need a way for the nutritionist consultation to be more personal, with realistic instructions aligned with their lifestyle, so they don’t give up on nutritional support and their goal.

Users want to improve their eating and hydration habits. They would also like to feel satisfied after a consultation with a nutritionist. They need quick guidance that aligns with their lifestyle. They do not want to feel restricted by a mandatory diet; the feeling of freedom is valuable.

Our hypothesis for this was as follows:

“If the dropout from nutritional support is related to the generic style in which recommendations are made, then by offering personalized service and regular nutritionist follow-up, we can keep these patients interested and promote improvement in their dietary habits.”

And our Solution:

If the dropout from nutritional support is related to the generic style in which recommendations are made, then by offering personalized service and regular nutritionist follow-up, we can keep these patients interested and promote improvement in their dietary habits.

We thought of offering the best of both worlds, an easy environment without complicated calorie numbers and not taking up much time. In addition to reminders about hydration set by the nutritionist, there is also an area to manage dietary habits, with a hunger scale and recommended dishes that can be edited.

User Stories

“As a registered user, I want to add my water intake and meal details to the app so I can progress in my diet and share it with my nutritionist.”

The user wants an easily accessible environment to receive all the necessary instructions right after leaving a consultation with their nutritionist. This will help them significantly improve their current dietary habits.
As a result of all this, we offer not only a diet but also education so that the user can learn about dietary re-education over time and become independent. We also break down the time barrier between consultations so that continuous contact with the nutritionist is possible.

Site Map

Site Map

Home page: A simplified menu with 4 buttons that will take the user to the app’s main features.

Water: Users can customize the size of the water container they consume and enter how much water they have drunk in a day, along with reminders sent via notifications.

Nutritionist: Favorites, where you create a list of the professionals you like the most or are interested in for a consultation.

Profile: Where personal and health data is entered, such as blood type, medications, or a chronic disease.


Our process was long, and we thought carefully to arrive at the high-fi version. Below are some examples of our initial low-fidelity wireframe creation, brainstorming with low-fidelity wireframes.

Lo-fi Wireframes
Lo-fi Wireframes

During the first week of the project, we created our logo and app name.

Freely app.

Testing and Iteration

Over time, we reached our high-fi version and proceeded with usability testing, obtaining valuable insights and making modifications to our solution. Below are some modifications we made based on information architecture and accessibility.

Tela Inicial
Consumo de água
Escala da fome e Saciedade
Registrar Refeição

Here are our Figma prototypes.


Next Steps

We will integrate the nutritionist section into the app, with user evaluation through star ratings, similar to the model used in Uber. It will include a short introduction video (as requested by the coach in the qualitative interview) and a brief description of the nutritionist. In this same menu, there will be an option to schedule a consultation and a direct chat with the professional.
Along with this, there will be a chat with the option to send photos and videos to facilitate and improve communication between the user and the nutritionist.

Next Steps


We hope to have addressed the user’s pains with this solution and successfully presented the proposal to the National Wellness Institute. These two weeks were valuable and served to further refine each step of the Design Thinking process. I am excited for the final project that will arrive in a few weeks and look forward to the challenge.

